So, when I rewatched The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers – which is part of my ... the way he goes about saving Théoden and getting Saruman out of him is iconic. Basically, he bonks him ...
In Tolkien's account, Gandalf actually brings Erkenbrand and his forces from the Westfold to deliver the final blow. Still, ...
Gandalf was the only one of five Wizards to return to the Undying Lands after The Lord of the Rings. Here's why and what ...
Aragorn, the Elf archer Legolas, and Gimli the Dwarf encounter the besieged Rohan kingdom, whose once great King Theoden has fallen under Saruman's deadly spell.
Gondor’s absence during this catastrophe left Théoden bitter, and fans have long debated whether his anger was justified or if Gondor had legitimate reasons for not intervening. The fall of the ...
Aragorn, the Elf archer Legolas, and Gimli the Dwarf encounter the besieged Rohan kingdom, whose once great King Theoden has fallen under Saruman's deadly spell.