Disclaimer: The views and interpretations expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect ...
During a Black History Month reception, the mayor invoked Jesus’s words while on the cross, saying of his critics, “God, ...
The Cross of Jesus is a cosmic event. The world is darkened, when the Son of God is given up to death. The earth trembles. And on the Cross, the Church of the Gentiles is born. The Roman centurion ...
Similarly, through Jesus’ barbaric death on the cross God arrests our attention. I am reminded of a morning worship service about two months prior to my writing this article. It was a Sunday ...
As a devotion, the stations allow us to take our loved ones to the cross and ask for their conversion (along with our own).
By Dean KellyJesus told His apostles concerning the great confession that Peter made that Jesus was the Christ the Son of God ...
This is a biblical moment. When Jesus was on the cross, he said, 'God, forgive them, for they know not what they do,'’ Adams ...
In Luke 14:27, Jesus says, “Whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” This verse emphasizes the absolute necessity of carrying the cross in the life of a true disciple.
The idea that Jesus and his Father are the same person is called modalism, which asserts that Jesus is a way or mode in which God the Father makes himself known. So Kathy’s statement that they are ...
For some Christians, Jesus is Lord. Jesus is a personal friend and savior who comforts in times of trouble and distress. Jesus is alive and present each and every day. To know Jesus requires a ...
The wise preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes says “…there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecc 1:9 ESV). In the New Testament, ...