Unsealed court documents from lawsuits over inferior vena cava (IVC) filters expose a big gap between what manufacturers and regulators know about the safety of a medical device and how much of that ...
Over the next few weeks, the painful area became a bulge, and on June 17, Brand put pressure on it. Unexpectedly, the ...
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) A review of the CMS web site did not reveal any decisions specific to the use of IVC filters. Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and ...
ALTHOUGH ligation of the inferior vena cava for prevention of pulmonary emboli is being performed increasingly often a difference of opinion still exists regarding the choice between inferior-vena ...
A blood clot is a lump of blood that can form in various body parts, including the legs, arms, lungs or heart. These clots ...
Studies involving ferrets necessitate knowledge of proper blood collection methods, such as cranial vena cava puncture. The CVC in the ferret has a diameter of 3.0–3.5 mm and is the main vessel ...
Inferior vena cava filters are often used for prophylaxis ... [6–8] In a recent study of 240 patients who underwent placement of IVC filters, only 73 (30.4%) had documented plans for filter ...