“The Iron Claw” tells the story of professional wrestler Fritz Von Erich (Holt McCallany) and his four sons Kevin (Efron), Kerry (White), David (Harris Dickinson) and Mike (Stanley ...
At the same time, there are some inaccuracies that need to be talked about, and a lot of them are tied to Fritz Von Erich.
Slowly, all of his brothers die, because they are pushed to their physical and mental limits by their abusive, hard-to-please ...
Focus on Kevin Von Erich and his brothers, not their parents, Fritz and Doris, in "The Iron Claw." Emotional ending ...
Thanks to the film, and the unparalleled legacy of The Von Erich, their story continues to persist through the coming ...
Now streaming on Max, the movie about the tragic pro-wrestling dynasty leaves out some significant figures in the Von Erich ...
Fueled by the death of his firstborn child, professional wrestler Fritz Von Erich worked to mold his five younger sons into ...
The Iron Claw starts through a black-and-white filter as Fritz Von Erich (Holt McCallany) terrorizes an opponent with his famous hold to an enormous crowd that hates him (the much-desired reaction ...