Chihuahuas, greyhounds, Australian cattle dogs, German shorthair pointers, and Ibizan hounds are five dog breeds that can handle warmer weather.
A new greyhound owner has seen her relationship with the agency that gave her the dog sour over what she regards as a gag ...
If they're lucky with another greyhound." He said the bedding-in process can "take three to six months", but added it has been a joy to see her transform into the "settled" and "happy" dog she is ...
Overbreeding of greyhounds is surging back to “bad old days” levels in the heavily taxpayer-subsidised greyhound industry, with thousands of dogs a year once again condemned to be “wastage”.
That move follows a similar decision delivered last December by the New Zealand government, proposing the phasing out of greyhound racing from 2026, due to the percentage of dogs being injured ...