Over the years we’ve seen quite a few projects involving vector graphics, but the spaceship ... designing the electronics required to drive a CRT is something that might have been commonplace ...
Best known for their popular UFO Test refresh rate tool, Blur Busters have unveiled a potential game-changer in motion clarity and advanced graphics. Founder Mark Rejhon ...
A TV picture tube (CRT) that had a flatter viewing surface than the traditional rounder tube. Up to 30% more glass was used to make the screen flatter. Also known as a "flat screen," "flat face ...
Also, setup and key adjustments are more complicated with LCDs—and much more necessary—than they are with CRTs. To be sure, all displays can benefit from proper tuning and adjustment.
A truly high-end, authentic CRT filter (in the form of a shader) releases, but only for high refresh OLED and LCD displays.
KDS' 17-inch XF-7bk flat-screen CRT display is ideal for price-conscious ... working on two pages of a document side-by-side and for graphics applications. It features DVI-D digital and VGA ...