The longest-living goldfish on record was 43 years old ... the outside of the tank, and any rocks or plants you stick in the tank for decoration. You can also buy commercially sold bacteria ...
A "megalodon" goldfish caught in Pennsylvania is a good reminder of why people shouldn't release their pets into the wild ...
If you use an aquarium, there are a few accessories you will need. Some gravel, a few underwater plants and some fish toys. Keep your gravel size bigger than a goldfish can swallow. You will also ...
First comes the making of the aquarium and the plants which are most suitable for it; following this there are chapters on goldfish, cold-water fish and tropical fish, with notes on the habits ...
An enormous goldfish has turned up in Pennsylvania waters, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service warns that more easily could.
In addition to disturbing delicate ecosystems, which harms native fish and plant life, goldfish in the wild ... even consider reaching out to a local aquarium or fish rescue group for help ...