Keep an eye on cracks and crevices and use pest control products close to common hiding spots. As mentioned above, it's best to prevent a German cockroach ... water to pool up in the sink or ...
The German cockroach is one well-adapted bug. All our attempts to wipe it out is only making it stronger. It's evolved to avoid poison bait laced with glucose — something few living things do.
Hydramethylnon was fed nonchoice to German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), and LT50s and LC50s were calculated by probit analysis. The LT50s for the Orlando normal strain of German cockroach ...
Crack-and-crevice treatments were simulated in the presence and absence of German cockroach [Blattella germanica (L.)] feces to evaluate its effect on insecticide efficacy toward the German cockroach.