This led him to design the Sailor Hat with ESP32 — a marine specific, open source hardware development board. The marine ... based around a standard ESP32-WROOM-32 module. Interfaces include ...
The latest is the TTGO T-Call, an ESP32 breakout board that also has a cellular modem. Yes, it’s only a 2G modem, but that still works in a lot of places, and the whole thing is $15. On board ...
Enter the Super Tiny RP2040/ESP32 Display Development ... Additionally, power supply breakout pins (3.3V and 5V) ensure compatibility with a wide range of peripherals. The board also supports ...
Last December, Debashis wrote about the Waveshare Double Eye LCD module comprised of two round displays that can be useful for robotics or art projects since they can be made to look like googly eyes.