Ecuador has long been lauded as one of the most affordable places to retire in the Americas. However, retired life in this country can be challenging. Here's what you need to know about launching ...
In a recent episode of “The Richer Way,” a GOBankingRates podcast, recognized experts on retiring abroad Edd and Cynthia ...
Their interview has been edited for length and clarity. Stephen: I heard about Cuenca, Ecuador, as a place to retire way back in 2010. I checked it out for a week in 2011 and visited some people I ...
Life in Ecuador comes at a low cost for Americans, and it uses the U.S. dollar as its currency. It's easy for retirees to qualify for Ecuador’s jubilado visa, a temporary residence visa that is ...
Learn how much you need to retire comfortably, and how to prepare for the "unexpected." Plan for everything from living expenses, to healthcare, to planning that trip you've always wanted to take.
Many, including retirees, have mentioned higher US living costs as a major motivator for relocating to relatively cheaper countries like Mexico, Ecuador, and Spain. Bureau of Labor Statistics data ...