More than two decades after a major earthquake destroyed buildings across Puget Sound, many remain vulnerable to collapse.
Over 72% of Pasadena voters approved funding for earthquake retrofit work on the Central Library, city officials announced ...
There could be hidden earthquake flaws in your single-family home in California — enough to be ruinous and possibly deadly in the next big earthquake. One of the dangers may come as a surprise to ...
Seismic retrofitting of bridges on these routes involves two phases: initial work to prevent bridge decks from falling and additional reinforcement to ensure rapid post-disaster recovery.
As of 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 6, the results for Pasadena’s six city measure: PL, PA, PB, PC, PF and PR, have shown ...
Now, they're again asking homeowners to look hard at whether their home has this flaw — and offering up money to assist them to pay for a seismic retrofit. This month, the California Residential ...