Before you try the solutions below, check for updates and install any available bits on your Windows device and see if Dolby Atmos now works as normal. Updating the sound drivers installed on your ...
All demonstrated how effectively Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos add a greater ... Wind whipping against the windows, the rumble of engines and even the tightening of Mav's grip on the flight stick ...
Microsoft has just launched support for Dolby Vision HDR gaming on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, with support in over 100 games. And "thousands" of other games that are available in HDR will be ...
Comcast and Dolby are pairing up to broadcast the Super Bowl with both Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos for Xfiniti customers.
The upcoming Super Bowl (LIX for anyone who’s counting) will be available for the first time in the event’s history in both Dolby Atmos surround sound and the premium Dolby Vision high dynamic ...