Dealing with credit card debt can be a tough road to navigate, especially if the interest charges rack up and the debt ...
Continuing its attack on the $220 billion worth of medical debt owed by Americans and the impact it can have on their lives, ...
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has announced the distribution of more than $540,000 in refunds to 1,625 individuals ...
Can a Collection Agency Garnish Your Wages? Understand the circumstances and legalities under which collection agencies can ...
On December 9, the CFPB entered into a consent order with a debt collection agency for alleged unlawful student loan debt collection practices against defaulted borrowers. The debt collection agency’s ...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has released a special report on illegal activities in the student loan ...
Debt collectors can’t put a CFPB advisory opinion barring the collection of some past-due medical bills on hold while litigation over the guidance moves forward, a federal judge ruled Monday.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) took action against Performant Recovery, Inc. today for illegal student loan ...
North Carolina leaders took a celebratory victory lap Monday to highlight the state’s efforts to relieve more than 2 million ...