Pruning like this may shorten the life of the tree. Horticulturists call the lopping of crape myrtle limbs 'crape murder.' Topping crape myrtle trees is certainly not, and never has been ...
In the past, it was true that you pruned crape myrtles to reduce powdery mildew infestations. With the breeding of plenty of ...
Cercospora leaf spot is a fungal disease that attacks crape ... However, some types of crape myrtle grow as shrubs or small ...
I often wonder what our parkways would look like in winter if the crape myrtles planted there possessed colorful bark.
Not only does topping a crape myrtle turn it into an eyesore, but these brutal pruning cuts can cause disease and decay to set into the wood. Topping also stresses the tree to the max, making if ...
Pruning like this may shorten the life of the tree. Topping crape myrtle trees is certainly not, and never has been, the preferred way of handling these graceful and beautiful trees. (Proper ...