The British Museum should return the ancient treasures to Greece for the sake of art, not nationalism.
Christopher Hitchens was an Atlantic contributing editor ... The Postponed Liberation of Iraq (2003), Why Orwell Matters (2002), God Is Not Great (2007), and Hitch-22 (2009).
At the 2008 Edinburgh International Festival, Oxford professor and Christian apologist John Lennox and leading atheist and acclaimed journalist Christopher ... Hitchens debated the topic ‘Is God ...
Giving curious readers an accessible permission structure for their religious questing is a tough goal in its own right. Ross Douthat pulls it off with panache.
[Graydon Carter: Christopher Hitchens was fearless] Hitch ... But the way Christians believe it played out is that Jesus—“the Lamb of God who was slain”—took on himself the sins of the ...