Captain America, Brave New World and Marvel

As Captain America, Steve Rogers has become one of Marvel's premier superheroes over the years, but that prominence is ...
Brave New World includes multiple hidden Easter eggs and references to various future projects that will excite Marvel fans!
With no new big titles on the marque and most of the top nominated pictures now available in the home, Marvel's superhero pic ...
Brave New World just had its third weekend in theaters, and the latest Marvel Studios' movie's momentum has started slowing ...
The Marvels was released in 2023, and it was a massive disaster at the box office. The movie collected only $206.13 million ...
iSpot shows that Focus spent roughly half on TV linear ads for Last Breath ($5.1M) than they did for their second-highest ...
The 'Kirbyvision' doc will explore the legacy of Jack Kirby, the artist who co-created Captain America and shaped Marvel's ...
Evans’ Captain America trilogy is currently streaming on Disney+ alongside the rest of the MCU. You can also get your tickets ...
Brave New World may have sidestepped a power issue but created a problem for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The MCU timeline ...