Read all about the environmental consequences of the invasive Bradford pear trees in California, which gained their nickname ...
In the worlds of horticulture and ecology, the Bradford pear trees that grace our streets, parks and shopping centers and greet spring with white flowers have become public enemy No. 1.
The snarl of a chainsaw never sounds sweeter than when slicing through the trunk of a nasty Bradford pear (Pyrus calleryana). I have railed against the spring-blooming, white-flowering tree for years.
Bark – Light brown/gray; at maturity, bark has horizontal lenticels. The flowering pear (Pyrus calleryana), also commonly called Bradford or Callery pear, is native to East and Southeast Asia and was ...
Connecticut awarded $400,000 to 12 projects that will reduce the impacts of aquatic invasive species on inland waters in the ...
Hendersonville officials announce dates for Bradford Pear Bounty Program, which aims to remove an invasive tree species from ...