British Royal Navy ships lured Blackbeard into a battle in Ocracoke Inlet on Nov. 22 ... head was mounted on the bowsprit of a British ship and his body tossed overboard. A search team found ...
In 1718, Blackbeard had a boozy knees-up over several days with pirates Jack Rackham and Charles Vane on Ocracoke Island ... displayed on the bowsprit of his ship Adventure.
The first Ocracoke lighthouse was built on Shell Island ... One of its most colorful inhabitants was the notorious Edward Teach, or "Blackbeard the Pirate." Teach roared: "Damn you for villains ...
HGTV included Ocracoke Island, at the southern tip of ... Take a ghost walk with a descendant of Blackbeard’s quartermaster, or catch a short boat ride to Portsmouth Island’s so-called ghost ...
The paper fragments, most of which were smaller than a quarter, were found in a pile of wet gunk crammed inside the chamber of one of the cannons of Blackbeard’s iconic ship, Queen Anne’s Revenge.