An Arduino Mega runs the show, with a DFPlayer used to play the famous theme music as the cherry on top. It’s a fun build that would be an awesome addition to any hacker’s coffee table.
To make his BabyTV go, [Nikolai] used a 16×16 WS2812B LED panel and an Arduino Nano. Two rotary encoders are used to allow adjusting brightness and change the character currently being shown on ...
Make Magazine just published its big Arduino issue, covering projects big and small that utilize the open-source I/O board. However, Make didn't tap the in-car potential of the imminently hackable ...
The ChipKIT uc32 Arduino-compatible is based on an 80 MHz, 32-bit MIPs architecture MCU from Microchip, with 512K FLASH and 32K SRAM. That’s a big step up from the 8-bit, 16MHz, 32K FLASH, 2.5K SRAM ...