The Centre for Multilevel Modelling has a long-standing interest in developing ... Our template 2LevelMissingOnePass is a fully Bayesian procedure that requires the specification of the model of ...
We can now collect cell-count data across whole animal brains quantifying recent neuronal activity, gene expression, or anatomical connectivity. This is a powerful approach since it is a multi-region ...
Applications: Linear models in Regression and Classification (Bayesian Linear Regression, Generalized Linear Models, Logistic Regression), Hierarchical/ Multilevel Models, Cluster Analysis and Mixture ...
This course is available on the BSc in Accounting and Finance, BSc in Actuarial Science, BSc in Business Mathematics and Statistics, BSc in Mathematics with Economics and BSc in Statistics with ...
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods allow Bayesian models to be fitted, where prior distributions for the model parameters are specified. By default MLwiN sets diffuse priors which can be used to ...