4 trains pass through Araku station. It is not a major station and only a few long distance trains stop here. 2 Mail Express trains & 2 Passenger trains stop at Araku station. Detailed timetable is ...
Train And Flight Yercaud Has The Most Abundant Fruit And Spice Plantations in Tamil Nadu To Observe Elephants in Their Natural Habitat, Head to Chandaka Elephant Sanctuary ...
Traveling to Araku valley is itself an adventure while road trips offer scenic views of surrounding landscapes but train is still considered as one of the most popular means of transport.
Alternatively, you can opt for train transport where Araku valley train (Vistadome) offers a panoramic view of the landscape en route. The best time to visit Araku Valley is between September and ...
Train And Flight Yercaud Has The Most Abundant Fruit And Spice Plantations in Tamil Nadu To Observe Elephants in Their Natural Habitat, Head to Chandaka Elephant Sanctuary ...