Wyróżnikiem aplikacji Aparat Google (Google Camera) do obsługi aparatu, zaprojektowanej przez Google, jest możliwość dodawania do zdjęć rozmycia tła, charakterystycznego raczej dla bardziej ...
Distant howls in response keep everyone copacetic. Especially cute is another star of the book, the hyrax (a rabbit-like cousin of the elephant). Like most animals, in fact, hyraxes have syntax ...
hyraxes, dik diks, and monkeys. Occasionally, caracals kill mammals as large as an impala or young kudu and may attack domestic livestock.” The investigation about where this specific caracal ...
You have heard about camels, rattlesnakes, and scorpions. But have you heard about Hyrax, Addax, Peccary, Pronghorn, or ...
Springer calls these animals afrotheres. They include elephants, aardvarks, manatees, and hyraxes. When Africa floated off, it carried these animals away to evolve on their own for tens of ...
Black mambas, native to sub-Saharan Africa, are known for their extreme aggressiveness and potent venom, which can be fatal to humans. Despite their fearsome reputation, these snakes play a ...
Zdaniem organu podatkowego aparat słuchowy jest urządzeniem, którego typ, rodzaj oraz budowa opiera się na indywidualnym doborze uwzględniającym w szczególności stopień ubytku słuchu. Osobom ...