Chelsea Scott: Red algae has the ability to help clean ... I'm going to look at my pores beforehand under the microscope. Hey, girls and boys, how you doing? Everybody's looking great.
Although these cold-loving algae appear green under a microscope, they have an additional pigment that gives the algae (and the snow) a reddish or pink hue — although the colors vary.
Glaciers are huge white ice masses that can reflect a lot of sunlight. However, especially where the glaciers are not covered in snow and the bare ice is exposed, they sometimes have dark patches.
"Cannabis: Marijuana Under the Microscope" is a book by Ted Kinsman ... This image of pond water shows bacteria, algae, and unidentified protozoa. And this is what a pumpkin leaf looks like ...
The figure below shows images of the algae Oscillatoria obtained with an EDF microscope and processed with our new ... of an EDF image without amplifing the background noise. Under traditional imaging ...