The manic pace of sharing, storing, securing, and serving data has a manic price—power consumption. To counter this, Virginia ...
Sure to be influential, Watanabe’s book lays the foundations for the use of algebraic geometry in statistical learning theory. Many models/machines are singular: mixture models, neural networks, HMMs, ...
Both algebraic and arithmetic geometry are concerned with the study of solution sets of systems of polynomial equations. Algebraic geometry deals primarily with solutions lying in an algebraically ...
The Developmental Math Program in the Department of Mathematics at Western Michigan University offers Math 1100, a mastery-based algebra course covering the arithmetic foundations of algebra, ...
Math 1110 in the Developmental Math Program in the Department of Mathematics at Western Michigan University is designed to sharpen algebraic skills and concepts in a function-based setting. Topics ...
Algebra is the discipline of pure mathematics that is concerned with the study of the abstract properties of a set, once this is endowed with one or more operations that respect certain rules (axioms) ...
Group members have a variety of interests including combinatorial algebraic geometry, moduli spaces, derived categories, enumerative invariants, mirror symmetry and cluster varieties. Current topics ...
However APPM 440 does NOT fulfill Math major/minor requirements. Prerequisites: MATH 2001/2002 and Linear Algebra. Generally offered: each fall and spring; sometimes offered in the summer. Studies the ...