The 1980s were a groundbreaking era for sitcoms, with numerous shows making their mark on television. However, not all of these series have stood the test of time. Many 1980s sitcoms, despite ...
Once upon a time — before binge-watching and endless streaming queues — the 1980s reigned supreme as television’s wild, experimental playground. It was the decade that dared to push ...
The six-part comedy-drama about teens trying to complete their illegal horror movie collection tells a fun story about the real evil in moral panics.
During the 1980s, aviation engineers dreamed big, creating experimental prototypes that could fly at hypersonic speeds and perform missions no other aircraft could. This documentary takes you inside ...
Longtime Cleveland TV news anchor Leon Bibb recalls a personal story that defines downtown in the early 1980s.
Now, setting a film or TV series in the ‘50s counts as historical. On the other hand, it has become increasingly common to set films and shows in the 1980s. These are the most memorable movies ...
Shaun the Sheep fans will have enjoyed spotting a cameo from the farmer of Mossy Bottom Farm in recent outing Wallace and ...
Who among us didn’t spend some portion of their youth trying in vain to watch a scrambled premium cable TV channel or two? It’s a wonder we didn’t blow out our cones and rods watching those ...
We also felt the frustration of trying to complete a Rubik's Cube but would cool down with an icepop. The 1980s were an unforgettable era and it's not just the toys that were popular from the decade.