The Environmental Protection Agency announced Wednesday at a community meeting that a toxin found at the former Exide ...
Trichloroethylene (TCE), a chemical found in common cleaning products, industrial solvents, and even dry-cleaning processes, has long been a topic of concern for public health experts.
MIDDLEWAY, W.Va. — A proposal to bottle spring water drawn about a mile and a half from a former industrial site with a history of underground contamination has sparked controversy in Jefferson County ...
For nearly 100 years, the former Exide plant melted lead-acid car batteries that polluted properties in the mostly Latino region of southeast Los Angeles. The Environmental Protection Agency last year ...
Residents raised more questions about the industrial pollution at the old Bellows Falls train station Tuesday night and ...
A contaminated Groveland drinking water well site, closed since 1979, is up for its five-year National Priorities List ...