Animated mainstay "American Dad!" is teaming with Green Day’s coffee brand Punk Bunny Coffee for a limited edition “Good ...
New “American Dad!” episodes air Mondays at 10PM ET/PT on TBS. The animated comedy from 20th Television Animation was created ...
Green Day’s coffee brand Punk Bunny Coffee has partnered with American Dad! to release a limited-edition Good Morning U.S.A.
This image released by Punk Bunny Coffee shows varieties of Green Day's coffee brand, from left, Dookie Roast, American Idiot Roast and Fancy Sauce Roast. (Punk Bunny Coffee via AP) This image ...
Featuring a full-body with notes of citrus peel and chocolate milk, the limited edition brew bears the same name as the ...
It celebrates the mutual fandom shared between the animated series and Green Day, whose music has been featured in an episode, the brand says.