Animated mainstay "American Dad!" is teaming with Green Day’s coffee brand Punk Bunny Coffee for a limited edition “Good ...
Bret Hart has shared a sneak peek of his appearance on American Dad. The wrestling legend took to social media to share a ...
New “American Dad!” episodes air Mondays at 10PM ET/PT on TBS. The animated comedy from 20th Television Animation was created ...
Steve feels isolated when he dislikes a new fast food restaurant popular among his friends; Stan and Francine attempt to ...
After Hayley is deemed a big child by The Lady from The Hamster Rescue Society, she gets involved with two Roger personas who have a complicated family dynamic in an effort to prove that she is an ...
"I'll never forget waking up at my grandparents' house (mom's side) and my dad had already gone to Home Depot twice, fixed the oven, bathroom light, and the backyard shed. This is love," one user ...
Wrestling icon Bret "Hitman" Hart is guest-starring in tonight's episode of American Dad on TBS. The animated Hitman will bring his signature look and wrestling moves to Langley Falls. This ...
The dad of Israeli hostage Edan Alexander of New Jersey says he is hopeful after the new Hamas video of his son — although he ...